Laser safety goggles based on coated or absorptive plastic or glass filters are the core business of laservision. Unlike many other manufacturers, which are focused mainly on one technology only, laservision is using all technologies to design and manufacture laser safety products. Based on more than 20 years of history laservision has long lasting experience on all relevant fields of technology.
This includes processing of different materials as well as manufacturing capabilities of absorbing and reflective filters and combination of these technologies to design the optimum laser protection for all laser users. Our own product and market focused research and development ensures in close cooperation with leading suppliers a continuously improved product development. Coatings on glass or plastic substrates are designed, optimized and produced on the own PVD facility.
Product portfolio
- Laser safety eyewear based on all available technologies
- Coatings on glass and plastic filters
- Absorbing glass and plastic filters
- Mineral glass laser safety windows
- Large area acrylic or plastic laser protection windows
- Laser safety curtains
- Spare parts and accessories
- Consulting and service
Engagement with standardisation institutes
By actively engaging with various national and international standardisation institutes for laser safety regulations (international level: ISO/TC94/SC6 – Occupational Eye-Protection; European level: TC85 – Eye-Protection Equipment; national level: Normenausschuss Feinmechanik und Optik NaFuO/AA Augenschutz), laservision has become a competent partner in laser safety. In addition laservision participates in international research projects for laser safety (e.g. SAFEST, VELP). A close cooperation with scientifi c research institutes in Germany and Europe has been established and allows the transfer of knowledge gained in this work to laservision’s own products.