Laser safety eyewear for protection in dentistry
Welcome to the area of laser protection for the dental sector.
Lasers used in the dental field are all in the near infrared or infrared range. The laser beam is invisible to the human eye. Therefore, it is even more important to find the right eye protection for the doctor, the assistant as well as for patients.
Here you will find an overview of all suitable laser protection filters used for the wavelength ranges in dental medicine for periodontal treatment, endodontics, soft tissue surgery, for biostimulation as well as for "bleaching". Lasers are also increasingly used in conservative therapy, prosthodontics, implantology, and oral surgery and esthetics.
The filters are sorted by wavelength and laser, making them easy to identify. You also have the option of finding the right laser via EYEPRO.
After you have found a suitable filter, clicking on "learn more" will take you to even more detailed information and you have the option of ordering the desired laser protection product directly via the webshop.